Well, work go in the way then living simply got put on the back burner for awhile. I haven't made any new advancements toward a simple life but I have managed to keep up with the old stuff. The laundry still gets dried on the line, weather permitting. The herbs are still getting dried and bottled. The garden is planted and growing, with a few more weeds than I would like but hey it is growing. I got my first canning of the season done last night and picked berries for more canning tonight. I have started trying some sewing projects. I made a trunk caddy out of chicken feed sacks and made an apron for my daughter and one for my sister.
I finally said no more call or weekends for work! That is family time and living simply time. We spent the last three days on a very enjoyable camp out as a family. We hiked and hiked and the girls learned new wildflowers and saw a wolf and three moose. All in all a great trip.